A journey from KL Sentral to Singapore can be completed within 5-6 hours. There are around 139 buses operating between the two places on daily basis. Travellers usually prefers in taking a bus from KL Sentral, as it is one of the convenient and economical ways of road transport. Passengers can easily board their buses from KL Sentral (bus boarding point) and get down directly at Singapore. All the buses pass through customs check and ensure a comfortable travel experience at all times. Passengers can book bus tickets at a minimum price of SGD 13.59, depending on the bus type. KL Sentral is a bug transportation hub located in Kuala Lumpur holding a busy scene all day long. On the other hand, Singapore is a developed island country with a robust transport system. Being a global commerce and transport hub, Singapore witnesses a flock of visitors on a regular basis.
The bus journey of 352 kms takes around 5-6 hours depending on traffic and climate conditions. The bus types include SVIP, Seater and Executive. Some of the coached are equipped with amenities like WIFI, Newspaper, Water Bottle, Blankets, Movie, Pillow, Personal TV, heater, Motorized calf support, Massage chair, Tour Guide.
Kl Sentral to Singapore buses are non-stop and they mandatorily passes through customs check policy. The first bus leaves at 7:00 am from Jalan Imbi and the last bus leaves at 1:00 pm TBS. There are around 12 coach operators providing bus services between the two cities. Seasons Express and Starmart Express are some of the popular operators in this route. Most of the buses pick up passengers from TBS and drops them at Golden Mile Complex.
There are innumerable things to do in the ‘Lion City,’ here is a list of attractions around Singapore:
Discover the ease of bus ticket online booking platforms, check Kl sentral to Singapore bus ticket prices and schedules, and plan your travels effortlessly, all in one place. Utilize multiple filters to select from many bus operators, amenities, and bus types. Avail of great redBus offers on bus reservations.